

f a q


Frequently Asked Questions.

Where was your first gig?

The Tankerville Arms as a Jazz Trio ...they snuck me in the back door I was just 15. Since then I’ve played in nearly in nearly every well-known pub in Melbourne – and many in Sydney as well. Chapel Off Chapel was where I did my End of Days CD launch.

First Rock Band?

Topic of Conversation...but really it was Here and Now who had an amazing lyricist, Michael Halloran. We released our first CD in 1989 to some good reviews, ‘spitfire guitars with lyrics‘message stamped all over them’... a sound made for stadiums.’ AusStereo Rock Trax. It was produced with Phil Butson.

What happed to Here and Now?

A combination of things...Paul Colman joined as a guitarist...then the bass and drummer left. Paul and I then formed a duo.

Describe the early days with Paul Colman.

I lived in Balwyn at the time and we spent 24/7 with each other...writing, fighting, eating, drinking...I was a journo for The Herald Sun at the time and we were getting quite a few gigs...so I left and we did the duo thing full time. To put it in Dickensian terms it was the best of times and the worst of times.

How did the album Violets and Violence evolve?

We were writing prolifically...and then we chose a producer to help us choose and record an album. Initially the producer chose all my songs...I felt that was unfair and I would not record the album unless we both had five songs each. We launched it at the Royal Derby to more than 300 people...it was quite good really.

Why did you leave the Lo-Fi’s?

We were auditioning drummers and bassists, we chose Grant Norsworthy and Phil Gaudion...things were really looking up. That year, 1994, Paul was about to get married and he began to get restless with the original scene...wanting to play weddings, jingles anything that paid money. I was a bit more of an idealist and just wanted to focus on originals. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I left.

Where are you now – with your life and music?

Live in the suburbs; gig around Melbourne; teach English literature; hang out with Shona and our two children Hannah and Nathanael; I write songs; I play my Fender strat; play my Gibson SG; I attend a great church led by John Smith; I have a studio where I record/engineer/ produce my music and other artists music including a band called Tom Osborn and the Slowburners... now that boy can sing! I’ve since become their live bass player.